Hajj Visa Application KSA for Download
Packages and services
Here are some things you may NEEDS FOR HAJJ.
Luggage Basics
- Tags with name, address and phone # for baggage (we provide)
- 2 suit case and 1 hand bag allowed – Please re-check with your
Ihram and Accessories
- Ihram garment for men (to be kept on hand piece,)
(You can buy the ihram in the city of Al Medina Al Monwarah before going to Mecca)
- One of two pairs of foam/beach slippers
- Large safety pins (6) or belt to tie Ihram
- Suitable money belt to carry money and documents
Personal Needs
- Toothpaste & toothbrush/miswak
- Soap & shampoo (unscented)
- Nail clippers, small scissors, shaving set, hair comb (all sharp blades to be in suit case not in hand bag, for security measures)
- Bath and hand towels
- Cell phone (we will provide you with SIM card number from Saudi Arabia).
You may want to have:
- Sleeping bag lightweight, preferably cotton lining (air mattress Not recommended)
- Small flashlight if you wish
- Small thin pillow or travelers pillow
- Water canteen/bottle with shoulder strap (may be purchased in Saudi)
- Sun glasses
- If you wear prescription glasses, take them and an extra pair if possible
- Ensure that you have some money with you
- At least U.S. $500.00 Cash
- You can use your own credit cards
Medical Supplies
- A First Aid Kit may be available, but you should also take along strip bandages, antibiotic ointment, rubbing alcohol, etc.
General Medicines/Needs
- Gravol, if you are prone to air sickness
- Advil/Tylenol/Asprin
- Mouthwash (nonalcoholic)
- Lozenges for throat infection, cough drops
- Antacid (Pepto Bismol)
- Diarrhea medication (Immodium)
- Petroleum Jelly (Vasoline)
- Heat powder, if you are prone to heat rash
- Salt tablets or glucose tablets (depending on health conditions)
Special Medicines/Needs
- If allergic to specific drugs or have medication condition, write on a paper and keep on your person or wear “medic alert” bracelet
- Sufficient medication that you are normally required to take
- Seek advice from physician for special care in hot weather if you have any medical condition such as diabetes, asthma, heart condition, blood pressure, etc
Here are 50 things you can do during Hajj
- Smile in another Muslims face
- Say Salam to strangers
- Shake someone’s hand and ask about their health
- Buy tea for someone
- Offer to get someone’s groceries
- Sit with a Hajj group from another country and ask about Islam in their village
- Carry someone’s bags for them
- Guide someone ill to the infirmary
- Shun vain talk
- Recite talbiyah loudly, encouraging others
- On the days of Eid, walk through the tents reciting talbiyah loudly reminding others
- Gather stones for people
- Offer to throw on behalf of unable Hajjis
- Guide people to the Jamarat
- Lower your gaze
- Remind people of the live of the prophet and his companions
- Read Qur’an with the Tafseer
- Do the authentic Dhikr of the morning and evening
- Make dua during your Sajdah
- Stand to the side of a gate and offer people water/tea as they leave
- Give major attention to shy people in your group
- Remind people of patience, why they came here, and the example of our Ulumaa’ in Hajj
- Explain a Hajj Khutbah you may have heard to those around you
- Explain the importance of purifying ones actions for the sake of Allah
- Phone relatives (from Makkah) on Eid day
- Make dua for forgotten friends (and the author of this list)
- Don’t allow Muslims to fight during Hajj
- Help people find a place to sleep
- Remember – during the heat – the unending torment of hellfire
- Say ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allah, wahdahu laa sharika lah, lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd, wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in Qadeer’ 100x
- Say the dua of entering the market place when you go there
- Give charity to those who sell meager things (sandals/eggs)
- Attend the Halaqahs that are given in Mina
- Stay for the 13th of Dhul Hijjah
- Remind people to go home as better Muslims
- Forgive people that wrong you
- Talk to 10 different people from 10 different countries
- Compliment someone sincerely
- Visit the hospital and thank Allah for all that he has given you
- Take young Muslims and invite them to sit with the elders. Make them the center of attention.
- Give a tafseer class after Salah / ask someone knowledgeable
- (For men) On the days of Eid, offer perfume to those around you
- Ask about the health of senior women in your group. Make sure they are attended to.
- Focus hard on helping those immediately near you
- Take people to the slaughter house and help them / Or assist them in purchasing their slaughter coupons
- Remember specific blessings Allah has bestowed upon you and say Alhamdulillah
- Pray to Allah using his 99 most beautiful names (al Asmaa’ al Husna)
- Use a Miswak
- Fill your pockets with candies and give to the children that you meet
Always intend reward from Allah for everything you go through during Hajj
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